Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Political Philosophy Of Niccolo Machiavelli And Socrates

Among the most well-known and notorious philosophers, Niccolo Machiavelli and Socrates laid the groundwork for western political philosophy and modern day politics. Though both lived through times of political transition and war, the fragility of their politics, violence of their wars, and the leaders they lived under influenced the development of their differing ideologies about the governing of principalities. From Machiavelli’s experience, came, â€Å"The Prince,† a guidebook about the importance of self-preservation when leading a principality that was gifted to then- governor of Florence Lorenzo de’Medici. The primary ideas shared, rely on committing acts of evil if they are justified with reasoning. From Socrates’ lifetime came an†¦show more content†¦If Socrates had operated under Machiavelli’s leadership style, he would have escaped with Crito and chosen self- preservation and survival over making the â€Å"right† decision and being executed for his actions Another requirement of Machiavelli’s Prince is a faà §ade for the public that complies with their every want and need. To the Prince, Machiavelli directed that â€Å"everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are† (The Prince, Chapter XVIII). Behind the mask and faà §ade, the Prince must do whatever is necessary to remain in power and benefit oneself, even if that means doing something morally wrong. Creating a faà §ade for the public eye and deceiving one’s citizens, to Socrates, would be considered immoral as it does not promote the common good, but helps hide the Prince advancing his individual ideologies. Morality is the philosophical distinction between what is right and what is wrong. In terms of leadership, Socrates believes that leaders should use morality to make the right decisions regardless of the outcome, as the moral decision will always benefit a society as opposed to risking a wrong choice. Socrates’ idea of mora lity and doing what is morally correct despite the outcome is absolutely opposite to a faà §ade of benevolence. Due to this promotion of deception within a principality, Socrates would not agree with Machiavelli’s style of leadership. InShow MoreRelatedSocrates And Niccolo Machiavelli1735 Words   |  7 PagesEssay 1: Socrates and Machiavelli Although Socrates and Niccolo Machiavelli lived in different time periods, the political climate that their philosophies were founded on were very similar. The trial of Socrates began after the Peloponnesian War when the new Spartan Tyranny took over the Athenian government. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth and disrespecting the gods by the Spartan government. 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